One Ear Wax Removal Session One Ear Wax Removal Session One Ear Wax Removal Session One Ear Wax Removal Session One Ear Wax Removal Session


  • "Huh? What!? I can't hear you! Speak up."
  • If this is your go-to response to most conversation starters then it is probably time to get your ears cleaned.
  • So if you've got waxy, blocked ears, micro-suction is the safest way to remove wax build up. 
  • Total Ear Care is Auckland's only full-time Ear Nurse Service with modern facilities to treat customers from 4-years old upwards to senior citizens.
  • With same day appointments available six days a week, easy on-site parking and open late on Thursdays and open Saturdays make it easy for you to find an appointment.

Grab a wax removal for $35 from Total Ear Care Limited.

$60 $35 42% off! You save $25!
or 4 payments with $8.75 Info
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