It may seem like just a simple piece of cardboard with your contact details on it, but a good business card has the potential to be so much more than that. It's an essential device for an activity I've dubbed 'netflirking." Netflirking is the process of pretending to network when, in actual fact, you're browsing the corporate masses for a prospective soul mate. A business card is the best way to obtain the phone number of someone you've only known for half an hour without any of the awkwardness that comes from having to find a pen and write it on the back of a receipt, or a napkin.
Today's your chance to get involved in a little bit of netflirking yourself, grab 500 premium business cards featuring your own design from Vistaprint, and have them delivered to your door anywhere in the country for only $15!
Vistaprint is the ultimate user-friendly online printing company. You'll be able to make your own business cards in minutes with a fews clicks of your mouse and then sit tight and wait for them to appear at your door so the netflirking can begin! If you're not particularly design savvy, browse some of theirs, or build your own using a step-by-step design wizard. If you've been dreaming of the day you'd have your own business cards for years and already have the design saved to your desktop, then upload the whole thing to and they'll print it out for you!
With a deal this cheap, you shouldn't feel obliged to have a business card that actually reflects your occupation, instead, why not have a card with your dream job on it? A lion tamer for example, or a computer screen washer or a Director of Extraordinariness. With the help of Vistaprint, you'll end up with a business card so professional that no one will doubt you for a second!
Today's GrabOne deal must be redeemed online at, just follow the instructions on your coupon and you'll be good to go!
Valid from Apr 6, 2011
Expires Aug 5, 2011
Limit: 10 per user and 10 as gift for others
One coupon per order. Must be redeemed online at, please follow redemption instructions on coupon. Includes nation-wide delivery within 14 days of purchase.
See the rules that apply to all deals.